How to reach us

The premises of the Sports Centre are located in the VMU President Valdas Adamkus Sports Centre (Studentų str. 9A), right next to the main building of the VMU Academy of Agriculture (Studentų str. 11), which means that it’s only a few minutes walks from the dormitories of the Academy.

You can easily access the Sports Centre place at the Academy from the centre of Kaunas, the Old Town or the bus station. If you are travelling from city centre or Old town, take bus No. 18 (Geležinkelio stotis – VDU Žemės ūkio akademija).  If you are travelling from the bus station, you should take bus No. 32 (Geležinkelio stotis – Ringaudai) or bus No. 18. Drive to the bus station “VDU ŽŪA centriniai rūmai” and when you get off the bus, you’ll find yourself right next to the Sports Centre.