Build your health with VMU

Higher education is a medium in which individuals mature and later influence the development of the country by applying the health knowledge acquired there, contributing to the formulation of national health policy, its implementation and the improvement of the health of the country’s population, and to this end, in 2005, the WHO established the Health University Network, which comprises higher education institutions from 39 countries around the world, including the Lithuanian Health Promoting University Network.

6 February 2018. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) joined the Lithuanian Health Promoting University Network in February 2018.

On 1 March 2022, the new VMU Health Promoting University (HPU) Programme 2022-2026 was approved, with the main objective of fostering a holistic health promotion system that forms positive attitudes and behaviour.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • improve the quality of the management of the health-promoting university;
  • to build and foster good relations between community members;
  • improve and foster sustainable physical conditions and the environment;
  • increase the need for community members to take care of their health and promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop health promotion processes at the University;
  • to disseminate the idea and experience of a health-promoting university in the university and in society.